Knit Club
Mysterious knitters with mad skills.
Small painting of two barn swallows and twin heart weathervane for valentine, wedding, or anniversary gift by Jen Greta Cart
A classic white New England house becomes a vessel sailing to new lands and new adventures. A woman of grandmotherly age, in a vintage dress, knits as she captains her ship. Her friends, a green parrot and an orange tabby cat are her loyal crew as she sails bravely into the sunset. I feel that…
Acrylic 19.5″ x 15.5″ “The Lady of Spring” is about those days in Spring in Maine when life returns. The Maiden Goddess of Spring walks across the land and the snow retreats before her beautiful feet. Her magical footsteps melt the snow and leaves and flowers spring up in her wake. In the snow before…
As the phoenix lives again after fiery death, so can humans after devastating loss. My husband, artist Chris Cart, and I painted this fantastic and inspiring Phoenix Rising mural for the Travis Mills Foundation that depicts prosthetic steampunk phoenix wings, symbolizing a new beginning for our recalibrated veterans. We wanted to create an image that was heroic, beautiful,…
This painting of a red fox pausing in her travels by an abandoned gravestone in Maine is about things that endure. The double hearts and cracks of the granite headstone signify the everlasting love of a couple throughout the adversity of their lives. But there’s also a theme I come back to again and again…the…
Mural on the Cabot Mills Building A sky of gold, lemon and teal printed fabric makes up a beautiful sunrise as people work together to sew a patchwork quilt world of peace and hope for the future on the old Wampanoag portage site on the Androscoggin River. White patchwork doves flutter on the right, while…
Jen Greta Cart’s painting of a hula dancer in the South Pacific captures the grace and strength of the female dancer’s body. The dancer’s skirt is comprised of the swirling designs of Polynesian tattoo art. The painting is named after the Island of Nuku Hiva, in the Marquesas in the Central South Pacific. Acrylic 12…
The waters of the Maine coast are full of mermaid magic in my painting about reclaiming wildness and freedom of soul. If you look closely at the two figures you can see that it’s the same woman, and the young mermaid is calling the older woman back to the sea, back to her true self. …
Feminist Fairy Tale Egg Tempera Painting. A young girl contemplates an enchanted frog prince in this examination of the idea that every girl would love to kiss a toad, win a prince, and completely subsume her life in his. Her face is serious, and the toad’s jewel like eye seems to lead into a…
Three aspects of the Goddess: Maiden, Mother and Wisewoman (or Crone) read from a Book of Mysteries as they hold hands They sit in a meadow of grasses with ripened seed. For me this painting is religious art, a celebration of the stages of a woman’s life, and also a representation of life continuing through…
Acrylic 18″ x 24″ 2016 A maiden in white floats sleeping in a twilight sky. Above her dreaming and virginal form, moons wax and wane in succession, symbolizing the cycles of her upcoming three or four decades of fertility. Beneath her mysterious objects grow from a mossy landscape. On closer inspection we see that these…
Acrylic 2017 16″ x 20″ Inspired by Edna St. Vincent Millay’s poem of the same name. The eponymous swans are thrilling, larger than life, their feathers pure as the clouds, freedom made physical. Meanwhile, down on earth, the landscape seems prettified, pleasantly civilized into a quilt. Two swans, lower in the sky, made of quilt…
2015 Egg Tempera 18 x 30″ A nude woman of mature years and her companion, a tiger, regard the viewer fearlessly from their jungle home.
2015 Egg Tempera This is a portrait of a fifteen year old girl with a theme of rebirth and renewal. The girl is in the early spring of her life, and the lenten roses in the wreath on her head symbolize life coming forth after the winter.
2015 Egg Tempera 24″ x 35″ A grey haired woman in a Victorian dress complete with draped bustle and walking parasol sets forth on a path into the jungle that stands as a metaphor for her interior life. A white bird of paradise flies ahead of her, and a small winged lizard watches from the…
2016 acrylic on canvas 23.5″ x 23.5″ The subject is a little girl in a Sunday dress from the 1950’s, but she is also obviously a fierce warrior in the field of childhood games. My daughter was the model for this painting showing the wonderfully feral nature of childhood, but the image also channels my own childhood,…